Egmont Air Extraction System – Case Study Kitchen-craft, Auckland designers and manufacturers of top-quality kitchens, chose Egmont Air for their new dust extraction system. Their unique one-and-only showroom is a must-see – which tells a thousand stories. The showroom also has a picture-framed window opening into the factory where the Egmont Air System keeps the factory clean and spotless, forming one of the many stories told. Egmont Air specially designed a high-suction unit to provide optimum extraction for two CNC…
Local Auckland manufacturer, Protects Welders
Welding Fume System – Case Study Egmont Air, industry leaders in ‘dust & fume extraction’ recently designed, supplied and installed a new welding fume system for Trialcom. Trailcom, a renowned supplier of trailer parts, required an extraction system that was versatile for their application of welding axle assemblies. Naturally most of the welding is done for the hubs at each end of the axle. Egmont Air produced a double-hood extraction system that utilises two articulating extraction arms that can be…